Auro Hotels Identity Management

Welcome to

This site contains links to help you manage your information and security.

I know my Password.
This link allows you to change your password if you know your existing password and have already setup additional security features (i.e. Multi-factor authentication).

Change Password

My Account is locked.
This link allows you to unlock an account that been locked due to repeated incorrect password attempts. Knowing your existing password and having MFA setup is required.

Unlock my account

I forgot my Password.
This link allows you to reset a forgotten password. You need to have MFA and one other backup sign-in option configured. You can also request a temporary access code if needed.

Reset my Password

Add/Update Sign-in Methods.
This link allows you to add or update a personal email to use as backup if you forget your password or to unlock your account.


Configure MFA.
This usually only applies to new users of the system and is the link you need for the initial setup of your Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).

Setup MFA

Download MFA Phone Software

Get Help.
If none of these options are working for you, or you have no access to your MFA device or backup options, please reach out to the Auro IT team.

Phone: (864) 248 1503